Electronic Vibes......what can I say, turned out to be nothing like the weekend I had imagined haha, so many stories and so many lost memories.
I finished work early on the Friday afternoon and rushed home to get ready. Since parking at the airport costs a million dollars I asked my house mate Gaz to drive me in. Ended up getting to the airport at 1:40 for my flight that leaves at 1:45, and by leaves I mean left and by 1:45 I mean 1:40, FML. Re-booked and was on-board and on my way ro Rocky at 2:30.
Landed in Rocky around 3:30 and caught a taxi into Rocky and hung out at the Leagues Club waiting for my friend Dan to drive up from Gladstone to pick me up. Had a few drinks and put some money down on the dogs and managed to win $40 or so, that just about covers my re-booking fee...things were looking up! Dan picks me up some time after 4ish and we go for a drive and buy singlets and shorts for the festival tomorrow and also to look for food and somewhere to sleep. The first place to go into, im pretty sure it was called the Ambassador Motel?, some random guy that resembles a hobbit but with only half a hobbits dress sense comes out of the bar area and im pretty sure he didn’t even work there and asks us what we wanted, even though I thought it was pretty obvious we were there to rent out a room for the night from this fine establishment he must of thought otherwise. He went on to tell us it was $120 a night, now if you look up this place on google you will see its defs not worth $120 a night, I might of given them a loose button from my pocket and the half eaten cheese stick that was on the ground just outside their reception door, but $120....I think not. So we left that place and went onto the next few, and we began to notice getting asked the same question at alot of them. "Are you after one bed or two"...bitch please! Now sleeping in the same bed would usually not bother me to much but the fact that they were asking and if we had of said "Yea sure one beds fine" they would of defiantly thought some sus shit was going down that we declined the One bed and moved onto the next motel. We ended up getting a room on top of an Irish pub called O'Dowds, unpacked all our things and then went and brought some pizza. We had decided against drinking on this first night because we wanted to not be hung over for the next day, but that did not end up happening. After finishing most of the pizza and placing the last couple pieces in the draw at the end of the beds we went down stairs and ordered a couple beers....which turned into a lot of beers and copious amounts of money spent on the pool table, lucky it was happy hour and drinks were cheap :) After a few hours spent at O'Dowds we headed up towards the clubs, we had decided to wear shorts out for some reason and the first club we went to told us that we would get in there but anywhere else we would not get in wearing shorts and we would also need to go put on our "good shoelaces" if we were to even think about going to the Heritage. We walked into this club withdrew some money and walked straight back out and up to the Heritage...where they let us straight in. But once inside we did realise that we were the only ones in there wearing shorts haha. Hung around here for a while and had a couple more drinks, Im pretty sure the DJ in the RnB section just had the soundtrack for Need For Speed 1 on repeat, walked up to the other end and heard someone dropping Skrillex - Cinema, so who ever the DJ was up that end that night +1 for you. We left here and walked back to O'Dowds and went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up around 6:30, way to early!!!! Pretty sure I was still a bit drunk from the night before and just starting to rim the edge of my hangover :( I got out of bed an hour or so later and we went down and brought a coffee from the cafe across the road. After a couple sipps I was feeling 100% better and we decided to go to the Jetts Gym that we saw the day before. Went there but no one starts work there on a Saturday till 8:30, lucky for us there was someone just walking in who kindly held the door open for us, win! After that we headed back to the room and decided to cut our shorts and singlets that we had brought the day before. After doing this we filled out gatorade bottles up with Vodka, Water and Freak3d. Now the Freak3d might of been the bad move here, im still trying to work that out haha. Took our bottles down to the pool table area and played pool and gave money to the juke box for the next 3 or so hours untill we decided to call a taxi to go to the buss pick up area. Now this is where the day starts to get a little hazy. We were dropped off at Stocklands by the taxi driver and went upstairs to coles to get money out. We then went down stairs again to wait at the buss stop and we met a guy called Dean that was over form Blackwater for the festival. Hoped onto the buss and it took us over to where Electronic Vibes was being held and as soon as we got off the buss there were cops with sniffer dogs there, but they actually looked liked seeing eye dogs so they might of gotten that one mixed up and picked up the wrong dog? anyway, went inside and straight to the VIP section and brought 3 drinks for us all. Oh and we had also smuggled in our gatorade bottles filled with Vodka, Water and Jack3d which we were filling out drinks up with as we finished them. I dont really remember finishing the gatorade bottle, and im not sure what happened to it but this is where the day gets really really patchy!! I remember heading over to the Dub Stage and hearing someone drop Bass Cannon and then we went up to the boiler room where I very vaguely remember tearing off my singlet and wearing it around my waist and also remember me and Dan going to the Merch tent but I have no idea what happened there. The next thing I remember is it was night and Bombs Away were playing, they finished their set and I walked off back up towards the entrance where i randomly met up with dan. Police had put a lockdown on the event and no one was allowed to go in or out so we snuck around to a side fence and jumped it to escape. Hoped onto the first buss we could find and got a lift back to stocklands where Dan passed-out in front of the gym we were at earlier that day. Now at this time it was only like 6:30, and we both have no idea why we left so early!? :( We called a taxi and it took us back to O'Dowds. Dan walked in first as I tried to remember where we had hidden our room key. He went straight to the bar and asked for a jug of water but was told by the lady that he needed a shirt on to be served, just as she was saying this i walked in with my ripped and tattered singlet and the entire bar just stopped to watch us. She asked if we were going to go upstairs and party, she must not of heard us order a jug of water. We went up stairs and thats when i realised i had lost my bank card! so i called up and cancelled it and then went straight to bed for the next 3-4 hours. Woke up and realised that it was only 12am and that we could still make the after party if we wanted to haha but neither of us were in any sort of shape to do that so we just walked down the street and brought some pizza and a poweraid and went back to the room and ate our food. It was at this point that Dan decided to empty his pockets only to find my bank card, which I had just cancelled earlier, FML FML FML!! I do not even know why he would of had it but anything could of happened earlier that day.
The next morning I woke up feeling horrible, I decided to check my bank account to see how much I had spent over the entire day....$60....$85....$40.....$40.....hang on $85! you cant get $85 out from an ATM?! Dan then checked his account and he had a random withdrawal for $55. We spent the whole morning trying to remember where this money had gone to and even now we still have no idea. My theory is that after we had ripped our singlets we went to the Merch tent to buy shirts and hats? and thats where that money went? I have no idea what would of happened to the shirts and hats but that is the only explanation I can think of. We left the room and walked back down to the coffee place from the day before and ordered a big breakfast and an orange juice each and that made me feel a little better, went back to the room and hoped back into bed. Cleaning lady came around at 11:30 and knocked on our door waking us up. We cleaned up our room which had cuttings of our shorts and singles everywhere and took everything down to the car. There is not much to do in Rocky during the day so we decided to just go to stocklands and hang out there for a few hours until my flight. While there we ran into the guy we met the day before, Dean. He told us how he didnt really see us to much a few hours after we got to the festival and that it got realy good just after we left :( still no idea why we left so early. We were sorta hoping he could fill in some of the blanks from our day. We left stocklands and Dan dropped me off at the airport, I went to check in and the lady said to me "Your Keen" I was a little confused as I was only 50min early, she then followed to point out that my flight was not till 2:55 the following day! FML!! I decided I would just re-book it for later that afternoon but then realised that I had no way of paying for it as I had cancelled my card that was in Dans pocket the night before!! FML FML FML!!! I ended up having to call up my dad who paid for the flight, $150, when my original flight was only $87 :( massive fail. Anyway my flight wasn’t till 6:10 that night so I just hung around the airport for the next few hours and had a little sleep and watched some tutorials on how to use Ableton and Reason. Finaly boarded my flight back to Brisbane and landed around 7:00ish.
All in all it was an awesome weekend!! It could of been better if things flowed smoother and I didn’t have to spend as much money but I think thats what made it so good, the adventure! Electronic Vibes as a while was pretty good but there were a lot of things that they could of done better, but its to be expected as its still an extremely young festival. As for all the footage and photos that I was going to post up....sorry :P....was way to hectic to be getting photos and im so glad that I decided to not take my video camera long to the actual festival caus Im pretty sure it definitely would not of made it back home with me haha. But yea, this Friday night Bliss & Eso!!! so will be getting plenty of photos there to make up for it :) + birthday on Friday!! YEW YEW!!! and also heading back to my home town on Saturday for the Pub Crawl in Maryborough on Sunday :)