Ok has taken me nearly a week to get this all sorted and I still havent even started with the videos haha will try to get them done next week sometime but I have the Bombs Away gig at Rumaz in Hervey Bay tomorow night so thats even more footage and photos that need editing so its all piling up :(
It was friday June 10, the day of my birthday :) I had sorted out a couple media passes from the lovley people at Illusive (can check their site out here www.illusive.com.au) and I was so excited!! Dan was driving down from Hervey Bay for the night and i knocked off work early and headed home. I had a few drinks and waited around for him to rock up. We drove into the city and tried to find parking and lucky there was some right near the botanical gardens, only cost around $35.
Walked over to Riverstage and found the BoxOffice and the chick gave us out Media passes and we hung around there till Bliss n Eso started. This was the first event where I had been able to get actual media passes and we were allowed right down in the pit (aread between the crowd and the stage). I had borrowed my gf's SLR camera for the night and also taken along my new HD video camera, dan had borrowed his brothers SLR aswell. Now the photos arent that great, sorry, but once we got there we realised we didnt actualy know how to use the cameras to well haha :P got it all sorted out for next time though :)
The show was awesome!! Since it wasent an 18+ event there were tons of younger kids haha and lots of little girls were asking Dan to take their photos, nothing new though haha. It was a sell out show and as you can see from a few of the pictures the area was friggen packed!! I had seen Bliss n Eso at Big Day Out just gone but I would nearly have to say that this show was better, just the energy of it and DJ Izm's 10+min scratch/sample session was epic!!!
Plus hit up the casion after and Doubled my Money, Ka Ching!
If we took photos of you on the night and they arent up here its probly caus they looked shit, or you looked shit, either way :P
Fri 17 June - Adelaide - Entertainment Center
Sat 18 June - Mt Gambier - Old Mt Gambier Goal
Fri 24 June - Devonport - The Warehouse
Sat 25 June - Hobart - City Hall
The rest of the info can be found here http://www.blissneso.com/roatour/

All photos by Jed Gillham and Daniel Decasanove
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