I had been frothing over this event for a few months now, ever since I first interviewed the Bombs Away guys and lined them up for a gig at Rumaz Night Club back in my home town Hervey Bay.
I finished off work early on Friday and headed into the Valley to hire 2 more CDJ2000’s from Brisbane Lightsound as they required 4 and the club only had 2. Didn’t end up leaving Brisbane till around 12:30ish so didn’t arrive back in the bay till around 4ish and went straight to the apartment we got for the night. Around 8 I got a message from Matt in Bombs Away saying that their USB hard drive that they use to put all their music on was playing up and asked if I had any spare, I only had mine that had my music on it and there wasn’t enough room on it to fir all their music anyway so me and Fraze went for a drive and brought them a couple new ones and dropped them off. Went back to the apartment to keep drinking and we were picked up by the Rumaz buss around 9:30. When we got to the club there were already bulk people there! Was looking like it was going to be a good night. I then receive another message from matt saying that the USB’s still aren’t working :P I told him to just bring their laptop to the show and Marcus (Rumaz resident DJ) will probly be able to work it out. Bombs away arrived around 10ish and luckily Marcus was able to sort it all out, pretty much saved the whole night haha.
Rumaz had hired some massive speakers for the event and had even hired some insane lasers and had their strobe light hooked up properly which lights the place up like the sun! The rest of the night gets a little blurry, with us just walking around the club carrying bottles of spirits that’s probly to be expected. I remember playing a pretty killer set :P still don’t think Hervey Bay understands Dubstep haha but they will learn. Bombs Away fuckin killed it!! Recorded a bit of their set which I will post up here hopefully before the weekend, so everyone who wasn’t there can hear what they missed out on. I also have about 30min of footage to edit and put up :P still gota do the Bliss and Eso footage though so don’t hold your breath for that :P
If your photo isnt up here then it probly didnt make the cut :P But just add me on facebook and I will put it up or send it to you :)
All photos were taken by my Girl Friend, Her blog can be found here http://nicolegillard.blogspot.com/

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