I do not like LMFAO, so when someone does a cover of one of their songs I tend not to listen. But Peter Chao is probly one of my favs on the youtubes at the moment and just so happens that his version is 10000000000000000 X better then LMFAO.
"Will someone please tell those fucking idiots that want subtitles to click the "cc" button. I mean Jesus people, how fucking stupid are you!? The description is there for you to read, and not only that...I posted ALL the lyrics IN THE DESCRIPTION too. FUCK, you guys are SO FUCKING stupid. It even says it for the first five seconds of the video with an annotation that says "Turn on/off captions for subtitles" for you mental fucks. Anyhow, that was just a little rant. Hope none of you read this. I love you all." Peter Chao